
Saturday, 3 March 2012

Nail polish haul

So, on my travels to my mum's house, I stopped in H&M and decided that I needed their new mini nail polishes.

You buy a box with three polishes in, and I think there are just the two boxes available. The colours left to right are: Metallic Grey, Metallic Blue, Spark Me Up, Dark Hot Red, Beige, and Pink Me Up

I'll do a swatchfest of these and have them up by the end of the week (hopefully). My nails haven't been in the best shape since the new year. I started playing guitar again, so the nails on my left hand died, and then when I was working with the rifles at work a couple snapped on my right hand, so I'm trying to get them pretty again. Also, the winter hasn't been kind to my skin, so the skin around my nails looks pretty horrific. I'm fine with wearing the colours normally, but when posting swatch pictures, it's kinda embarrassing :/

Also! I have my hands on two Bootie Babe Nail Polishes. I ordered three and got an extra one free! I ordered Slinky Pinky (light pastel pink), Hella Baloo (bright primary blue), Lilac Lunatic (soft lilac) and the free one was Brink of Pink (neon pink).

Again, a post will be up hopefully for the end of the week, maybe into next :)

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